Please keep Mark, Ann, & Ashli Kirby in your prayers. They are our cousin's and they lost their home in the Jacksboro Community to a fire. Mark and Ann had already left for work and Ashli was asleep in her room. Mickey Ralph and his wife saw the flames as they were passing by and rushed to the door and was banging and yelling for Ashli to get up. Ashli barely made it out with her pj's, flip flops, and a sheet to cover her in. As she ran through the Living Room, it was totally engulfed. Just shortly after she got out, the entire house fell into the basement. The house is a total loss. They are blessed that God had his hand on Ashli, keeping her safe. Please keep them in your prayers!
I just can't imagine the emotions that Ann and Mark had knowing that Ashli was at home and it was burning! God is Great and God is Good!